江陰市良源機械(xiè)有限公司提供無(wú)錫噴砂加(jiā)工,無錫不鏽鋼噴砂加工,江陰噴砂加工(gōng),江陰不鏽鋼噴砂加工 聯係我們 噴砂加(jiā)工 網站地圖


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Sa1 輕度的噴射
Steel surface should be no visible grease and dirt, and there is no attachment not firm scale, rust, paint and other impurities (water soluble salt and welding residue).
Sa2 徹底的噴射處理
Steel surface should be no visible oil, dirt, scale, rust and paint coating and other debris should as far as possible eliminate, any attachments should be strong.
Sa2.5 非常徹底的噴射處理
Steel surface should be no visible oil, dirt, scale, rust and paint coating attachments, any markings should be only slight discoloration of dot or stripes.
Sa3  噴砂至可見清潔金(jīn)屬
Steel surface should be no visible oil, dirt, scale, rust and paint coating and other attached objects, the surface should be showed homogeneous metal color.

江陰不鏽鋼噴砂加工廠家 http://www.jxhuixiang.com